We want you to be satisfied with your purchase. We allow item exchange requests within 30 days from date of purchase, provided that the official receipt is presented and that the item is still in perfect condition, with its original packaging intact.


We stand behind all of our shoes and gear. If your Nike shoes or apparel develop a material or workmanship flaw within two years of the manufacture date, we want to get you back in the game.

If you believe your item has a workmanship flaw, and it’s within 60 days of your purchase, you can simply return it to the original store of purchase for exchange or refund.

If it’s been longer than 60 days, and less than two years since the manufacture date (located on the item’s tag), and the item has developed a manufacturing flaw, please return your shoes to the original store of purchase for assessment.

Our stores reserve the right to physically assess the products being returned and make the decision to accept or decline requests. Please note that normal wear and tear is not considered a manufacturing flaw, and therefore is not qualified for return/exchange.

Customers may return via:

  • Third-party courier (merchant will only shoulder the shipping fee if item is damaged, incomplete, or wrong item has been shipped)
  • Drop the item at any of our physical stores:
    • Jordan Manila
    • Nike Alabang Town Center
    • Nike Ayala Bay
    • Nike Ermita
    • Nike SM Fairview
    • Nike Ayala Feliz
    • Nike Fort
    • Nike Galleria
    • Nike Glorietta
    • Nike Mall of Asia
    • Nike North Edsa
    • Nike Podium
    • Nike Trinoma
    • Nike UP Town Center
    • Nike Ayala Center Cebu
    • Nike SM Cebu

Item for return/exchange should include the following:

  • Sales invoice
  • Park Access reservation confirmation via e-mail
  • Original shoe box for footwear
  • Attached swing tag for apparel 

Merchandise may be returned in exchange for:

  • An item of the same value or higher (difference to be settled upon purchase)
  • E-voucher equivalent to the purchase amount
  • Full refund through payment method used (applicable only when damaged, incomplete, or wrong items shipped are no longer in-stock for exchange)

In addition to this, returns/exchanges will not apply to:

  • Altered items
  • Accessories
  • Intimate apparel and swimwear

Please note that we cannot guarantee stock availability for exchange of returned items as stocks may already be allocated to new orders.

The prohibition on the “No Return, No Exchange” policy is enforced so that consumers may exercise their right to 3Rs – repair, replacement, and refund in case the product purchased has imperfection or defect pursuant to the Consumer Act of the Philippines (R.A. 7394).

However, the said policy does not apply under the following situations:

  • If the product purchased has no imperfection or defect, or if not expired or fake, the store may opt not to replace or refund 
  • When the defects of the goods are due to the mishandling of the buyer
  • In cases of “as-is-where-is” transactions
  • If the consumer had a change of mind
  • The sale of second-hand articles